MacKillop College believes that we live in exponential times of change and information expansion which directly impacts upon our educational environment. Perpetual learning, change and striving for personal excellence will be the only constant.
In recognising this we provide a contemporary educational setting. This setting allows our students to participate in learning processes and experiences that offer the skills and knowledge required to engage and take control of their future pathways.
MacKillop College believes that Information, Communication and Creative Technologies (ICCTs) are significant tools that support these contemporary educational settings. They provide a means of by which a more collaborative model of student and teacher interaction can occur. Where higher forms of thinking can be supported, in particular CREATING, students are asked to generate new products, ideas and ways of viewing things. We believe that our students need to become discerning users of ICCTs and that we can offer experiences which will allow our students to fully involve themselves in, and contribute to, their community.
We have designed and integrated a digital learning architecture that will facilitate a seamless, secure and robust ICT environment. We see this level of connectedness as essential so that our teachers and students can access the best possible online curriculum and world class learning objects while retaining the ability to localise that content and retain our community identity. It supports and energises the individual and collaborative learning experiences, boosts standards and improves educational opportunities.
Within this architecture we offer network wireless / wired access and high-speed Internet bandwidth in all classrooms. With extensive specialist facilities for digital multimedia (video, music, photography) as well as offering a 1:1 student notebook program. We can support the student’s and teacher’s need to meet the immediacy of the learning moment. Both hardware and software is kept current and relevant and access to these facilities is ever-expanding.
Our extensive professional development program ensures that our teachers are kept abreast of contemporary digital teaching and learning strategies (eLearning) using the latest technologies. Some of our practices have reached national exemplar status and we are constantly participating in action research to explore ways to improve our teaching and learning practices.
MacKillop College, through its web presence and Intranet access, offers seamless electronic connectivity between the school and home environment; providing a wide variety of services to support our students, parents and teachers. We provide online learning spaces and personal ICCT technologies that support flexibility of curriculum delivery in time, space, place and pace within and outside the school buildings and beyond the school day. We see that these contemporary facilities as significant means of enhancing our endeavours to provide an exemplary and evolutionary learning environment for all.