MacKillop College requires all international students enrolled at the College, irrespective of age, to obtain homestay accommodation approved by the College. Students are not permitted to live independently or without adult supervision.
Where students under the age of 18 are not being cared for in Australia by a parent or suitable nominated relative, MacKillop College ensures that the arrangements made to protect the personal safety and social well-being of those students are appropriate.
Secondary students under 13 years of age must live with and be cared for by a parent, or a relative approved by The Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP). Homestay is not available for students aged 13 or younger.
After you accept your Enrolment Letter of Offer you will be sent Homestay documents to be completed and returned. For more information please follow the link to enrolments for more details.
Every effort is made by the College to fulfil the homestay requests of students.