Academic Programs
MacKillop College has a proud history of academic success and many students proceed to a variety of university courses or transition into the workforce. Our education programs provide students with alternative pathways each with a wide range of subject choice and extracurricular programs. These all assist in developing students’ unique talents and further supports their journey of English proficiency.
Years of schooling 7 – 9
Further information, programs and handbooks can be located by the following link:
Pathways within the College
Students at MacKillop enroll at either Year 10, 11 or 12 and their senior pathways can start at either Year 10 or 11 depending on their competency and readiness – as adequate levels of English must be reached. They can study either the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) or the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE). Students can study Vocational Education and Training (VET) units in either VCAL or VCE.
As students enter the Senior Years they are able to select a course of study, which caters for their interests and is consistent with their abilities. Having the option to complete this over two-three years allows students the flexibility to tailor a program to meet their needs for both current learning and future pathways.
Overview of subjects offered in the pathways: