General Expectations

Procedures to follow at MacKillop College...

Absence from school

Families of students who are absent from school, should report via the Absences tab on via SEQTA by 9:00am.

If your child is absent without us having been notified by 9:00am, families will now receive a DM notification of the absence .

Please note: Notifications received after 9:00am may not be processed until after the DM is sent. In this instance, however, you may disregard the message.

If you received the DM, and have not notified the College, you will need to get in touch as soon as possible. Our current process includes an additional phone call from the Attendance Officer to any family who has not been in touch regarding their absent child. It’s an additional precautionary safety measure to ensure all our students are accounted for.

Upon returning to school the student must provide to the homeroom teacher, a note from the family.

The absence can only be deemed to be an Approved Absence for attendance recording reasons if the note is accompanied by a medical certificate/statutory declaration within three days of the student returning to school.


Absences from classes – Senior Pathways students (VCE, VCE-VM, VET)

Students should attend all classes. An absence from any class is considered to be an ‘unapproved absence’ except for the following circumstances:

  • A note from a parent/carer and a medical certificate (or a statutory declaration) regarding the illness is provided regarding the absence. (Refer to the MACS attendance policy.)
  • The student is required to attend a school organised activity or excursion.

The parent/carer has discussed with the VCE/VCE-VM or Year Level Leader(s) the special circumstances that prevent attendance (e.g. representation at state level sport).
For advice regarding absences from VCE/VCE-VM please refer to the Senior Pathways Administrative handbook. (


Absences for students in Years 7-10

If a parent/carer provides an explanation for any absence (medical, funeral, sporting competition) it shall be noted on the system as ‘Explained’. When the absence is for medical reasons, a medical certificate or statutory declaration is welcomed and will be noted on the system accordingly. Homeroom teachers should sign and date any medical documentation prior to submitting to the Attendance Office. When the absence is extended (greater than ten days) for example a State or National sporting competition or a stay in hospital, the Year Level Leaders should be informed who in turn may need to consult the Deputy Principal.


Extended Absences from School

Students who intend to be absent for extended periods of time (up to ten days) due to family holiday, will need to let their homeroom teacher and Year Level Leaders know. Parent/Carers should contact the Deputy Principal Office at the College to arrange a time to speak with the Deputy Principal (Student Wellbeing) if a student is likely to be absent for more than ten days.


External Appointments During School Time

Wherever possible, it is advisable to make appointments after school hours.

Late Arrival or Leaving Early

Students who arrive late to school must proceed straight to their locker, unpack their bag and collect the requirements for their class. They will then need to sign in at the kiosk at their Year Level Leader’s office.

At MacKillop College, we prioritise the safety and well-being of all students. If a student needs to leave the school premises early for an external appointment, the following procedure must be followed:

1. Parental Note: Parents/Guardians must provide a written note explaining the reason for the early departure. This note should be signed and include the date and time of departure.

2. Presentation to Teacher: On the day of the appointment, the student must present the signed note to their teacher in their class at the time they need to leave. The teacher will then sign and date the note.

3. Administration Office: Before departing, the student must present the signed note to the Sister Giovanni Farquer Administration Office. This ensures that we have a record of their early departure.

We kindly request that families adhere to this process to maintain accurate attendance records and ensure student safety. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us through the administration office.

This procedure supports our commitment to providing a safe and respectful learning environment for all students.



Being Driven to or from the College

The ‘front gate’ of the College is considered the Russell Street entrance.

The drop-off and pick-up point is in the designated area alongside the Tenison Woods Centre or beyond the main oval on the right hand side of the road. We ask parent/carers to pull into a designated parking space and obey all regular road rules.

Parents/Carers are not to enter, or obstruct the teachers’ car parks to drop-off/pickup and are not to drop-off/pickup students in front of the Sister Giovanni Farquer Administration building.

Bus travelers

Students must embark and disembark at designated locations and follow teacher instructions.

Student must travel in complete school uniform.

Students must tap on and off using a funded MYKI card as required by law.

Students who misplace their MYKI card can approach the Geoghegan library for support.

All behavioural expectations apply while travelling.

Bicycle Riders

Students who ride a bicycle to school are to wear a helmet that is worn properly strapped.

In travelling to and from school all cyclists are to observe traffic regulations.

Bicycles are to be left at the bicycle racks.

Bike chains and locks are advisable.

Both cyclist and pedestrian students are to use the official pedestrian crossings. Cyclists will walk their bicycles across these crossings under the supervision of the duly appointed controllers.

While in the school grounds, cyclists will walk their bicycles. This includes to and from the front and rear gate to the bicycle racks.

All uniform requirements still apply to those who travel to and from school by bicycle, however the school blazer is optional.

Other modes of transport

Skateboards, scooters and e-scooters etc. are not to be used to travel to or from school or to be brought to school.

Mobile phones and other communication devices

Mobile phones (or other communication devices) are not to be used during the school day from the time a student arrives at school until they leave their building until the end of the day (3:20pm).

Year 11 and 12 students leaving the College during times specified on their study contracts/exam periods or Unit 1/3 classes the preceding year are not permitted to use their phones until they reach designated pick-up areas or have left the College grounds.

Mobile phones brought to the College remain the responsibility of the owner.

Misused mobile phones may be confiscated and involve further consequences.

Students who need to communicate with parents/carers may do so through Year Level Leaders or the administration office.

If students need to be contacted in an emergency, contact will be through the administration office.

Students are not permitted to receive visitors or phone calls during school hours. Such socialising is to be kept to out-of-school times.

After-hours access

The Sister Giovanni Farquer administration office is open until 4.30pm. If a student is on site and requires assistance they should go to the College Library which is open to 6.00pm Monday to Thursday. Students should approach a library staff member who will assist them directly or contact other College staff for support. On Friday students should go the Sister Giovanni Farquer administration office and ask for the assistance and support of any available staff member.

Smoking and vaping

The College regards smoking/vaping as a serious threat to health.

The College is a smoke/vape free environment and by law no smoking/vaping is permitted within 4 meters of the College grounds.

Cigarettes/vaping devices are not to be brought to school.

Student Diaries

The Students Diary may be used as a means of communication between parents/carers and teachers.

The Student Diary is used to track student movement throughout the school day (i.e. trips to the toilet, First Aid or Student Services).

Students are required to carry their diary with them to all classes.

Class Preparation/Procedures

All necessary equipment is to be brought to class. This includes laptops in the laptop bag, books, pens, protective apron (where required) AND student diary.

Students are to be prepared for lessons at the beginning of set class times, especially after recess (snack) and lunch.

Students are not permitted to bring their school bags to class. All school bags are to remain in the student’s lockers from morning Homeroom until the end of the school day.

Students are to move directly to their rooms and are not to disrupt others in the process of moving from one class to another.

Students are to stand when a teacher enters the room and, after being greeted by the teacher, sit when directed.

Teachers are to be addressed by surname in a respectful manner.

In all classes students are to:

a) show respect to teachers and peers; and
b) contribute to an atmosphere in which genuine learning may occur for all.

Students are to pay attention when the teacher or other students are speaking.

Students are to obtain permission before speaking.

The use of printing services at MacKillop College is for learning purposes only. Students are responsible for maintaining their printing credit and ensuring adequate credit is available for all classes.

Throwing of any object in a dangerous manner is not permitted either inside or outside the buildings.


At MacKillop, all students are expected to care for property which belongs to the College, to others and to themselves.

The College accepts no responsibility for the safekeeping of students’ books, clothing, bicycles or other property including electronic devices such as laptops, phones, ipods, mp3 players, earphones, airpods and the like.

All possessions are to be clearly labelled with the student’s name and class.

The use of electronic devices in class is ONLY at the discretion of the subject teacher. Students are not to use or have visible, devices for listening to music, or any other device outside class time such as airpods. This is applicable once entering the College grounds until the end of the day (3:20pm) when they exit the building they collect their bag from.

Under teacher direction, students may be permitted to use their own headphones in class for educational purposes.

Students are not permitted to use any electronic device, except for the school laptop, whilst in the administration foyer during school hours (8:00am to 3:20pm).

Students are to respect the property of others as well as their own and may not, without permission, use any equipment belonging to the school or another student.

Lost Property (Clothing, Books etc.)

A list of lost property appears at regular intervals on the Daily Notification section on SEQTA. Items can be collected from the Administration Building at either campus.

Found Lost Property

Founds items can be taken to the Administration Building at either campus.

Student Behaviour

All students are expected promptly and respectfully to observe teachers’ requests whether in class or out in the yard. Rudeness and insolence will not be tolerated.

It is a basic right of all students in our school to receive their education free from humiliation, intimidation and abuse. Bullying, whether it be by gesture, extortion, exclusion, physical, emotional or verbal abuse will not be tolerated at MacKillop College.

“Hands Off” (Non-contact)

Students need to respect each other’s personal space. Any actions such as pushing, shoving, holding or embracing does not respect others personal space and is not acceptable.
Students are expected to exercise self-control at all times. In keeping with Christian courtesy and refinement, rough language and behaviour is not permitted.

Prohibited items

Items deemed offensive, harmful or illegal are banned from school and are not to be in the possession of any student. These include: drugs including cigarettes and vapes, alcohol, knives and weapons, steel rulers, lighters or their equivalent. Permanent markers, liquid paper and chewing gum are not permitted at school.

Environmental care duty

Students are to respect the College environment. Bins are to be used for rubbish. Students will be rostered for environmental care duty and are to report to the teacher on duty at 1:15pm for their particular area.


Assemblies are held on a regular basis at MacKillop College. Students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner befitting the occasion. They must move quietly and directly to the assembly area in class list alphabetical order under the direction of their teacher. Students must sit in their designated seat in the assembly room and remain quiet for the duration of the Assembly. Blazers or sports jackets are to be worn during assemblies.

Student manner should be respectful to those who are speaking and not distracting to students around them. At the conclusion of the assembly, students must wait to be directed to leave by their teacher or year level leader and do so in an orderly manner.


The College canteen provides healthy eating options for purchase during recess and lunch.

Students are encouraged to bring food from home to eat at recess and/or lunchtime.

Students are not permitted to leave the school grounds to buy lunch.

Students are not to have food delivered to school that does not meet the canteen guidelines at MacKillop College (e.g. McDonalds, fish n’ chips, Subway or via any form of external delivery).


Students representing the school on excursions/events or sporting activities are expected to have complied with the expectations of the school (in relation to both general behaviour and completion of work requirements) before permission to attend the excursion will be granted.

When attending an excursion (including sport) students must catch up on any work completed in the lessons missed.

While students are on excursions all school rules will apply; this includes the wearing of the appropriate school uniform in its entirety and the MacKillop school bag if necessary.

No student will be permitted on an excursion unless parent/carer permission is granted electronically. This permission authorises the supervising teachers to seek medical attention when necessary and to extend to the student the care that a reasonable parent would extend in the same circumstances.

School Functions and mandatory activities

All students are expected to attend the following school functions:

  • Opening Mass
  • Outdoor Education activities
  • Retreats/Camps
  • Orientation activities
  • Cross Country (Year 7 & 8)
  • Speech Night
  • MacKillop Day
  • Valedictory Events (Year 12 Students)


A First Aid facility is provided and located in the Ignatius Wing for the Main Campus and the Administration Block for the St Mary’s Campus.

When illness/injury is brought to the attention of a staff member, all reasonable care and treatment will be provided at our First Aid room.

In the event of a student becoming ill or injured, a parent/carer or emergency contact will be notified and requested to arrange for the student to be collected from school and taken home as soon as possible.

Medical management

The College provides support for students with medical conditions. To enable this documentation such as Medical Management Plans, Student Health Support Plans and Medication authority forms will be required.

Personal medication will be stored in the First Aid room and the appropriate paperwork completed. Assistance will be provided as required in the administering of medication.

Senior Pathways

For all information regarding expectations, rules and regulations concerning Senior Pathways please refer to the Senior Pathways handbook. (



A school uniform promotes a sense of belonging for students and creates a positive identity for the school community. School uniforms also contribute to the personal safety of students by allowing easier recognition of students inside the school, and in the community. Wearing a uniform shows unity and identity and builds a sense of community. As a result, uniforms demonstrate a clear message of equality.

Students are at all times representatives of the College and its values. As such, students are expected to wear their uniform with pride, and according to the College’s standards of presentation, including in public spaces, and travel to and from school. This requires individual attention to cleanliness and good hygiene, neat and tidy personal grooming and the correct wearing of the College uniform.

The College uniform policy provides students with a comparable series of expectations experienced in post-school environments in relation to potential employer expectations regarding standards of dress and grooming.


MacKillop College is committed to:

• providing a dress code that establishes an environment of learning, self-confidence, discipline, and responsibility
• improving and promoting a positive school climate by providing clear guidance for students, parents and carers and staff in regard to the College dress code with the intent to keep students safe and focused on academics
• ensuring all students at the College exemplify proper dress and grooming in a manner that projects an appropriate and positive image for the student and the College


i) Principal commitment

The Principal is responsible for ensuring that the principles of this policy are integrated into practice.

ii) Parents/carers and student commitment

Parents/carers are responsible for:

• ensuring that their children are provided with the appropriate College uniform
• making certain that students uphold all uniform expectations of the College
• communicating with College in writing/by email when their child/ren is/are not able to wear the uniform as expected

iii) Student Commitment

Students are responsible for:

• wearing the College uniform with pride
• ensuring they uphold all the College expectations regarding the uniform
• selecting the most appropriate uniform for the season and their comfort level and then wearing the selected uniform appropriately in its entirety

iv) Staff Commitment

Staff are responsible for:

• ensuring students that students conform to the uniform expectations upheld by the College
• holding students accountable when they do not conform the College uniform expectations

Academy Uniforms is the exclusive provider of the uniform. Footwear is not able to be purchased through Academy Uniforms, however, the type of footwear required is outlined below.

The College uniform is trans-seasonal – students may wear their uniform to suit the current weather conditions and their comfort level whilst still maintaining high standards of pride and neatness in their presentation. They must, however, wear the selected uniform in its entirety.

MacKillop College Uniform

College Blazer

The expectation of the College is that the College Blazer is to be worn on all formal occasions. For example, blazers must be worn to all assemblies, exams and excursions unless otherwise advised.

On days when the Physical Education uniform is scheduled on the same day as a formal occasion, the sports jacket must be worn as an alternative to the blazer.


When wearing the College uniform students must wear plain, black leather lace-up school shoes as determined by the College, which are suitable for school participation (which must be cleaned and polished). On days when students are not required to wear their PE uniform, runners may be worn for lunchtime activities (i.e., basketball tryouts etc.) but are not to be worn in class, nor to and from school.

Lace-up runners, as determined by the College, which provide the appropriate amount of support and are suitable for active sports participation.

Scarves and gloves

Student may wear the MacKillop College regulation burgundy scarf and gloves.

These items may also be worn with the Physical Education uniform.

Year 12 Jumper

When available, Year 12 students will be permitted to wear their official Year 12 jumper in place of the College Blazer, except for any specified formal College occasions, such as Valedictorian celebrations.

Year 12 Ties

At the beginning of each school year, Year 12 students will be presented with a Year 12 College tie, or in the case of those wearing summer dresses, a cross tie. This tie can only be worn by Year 12 students and is in place to identify them as the College leaders to both their peers and the wider College community.

Hats and caps

To ensure adequate protection from the sun, the wearing of an official MacKillop College peaked cap or College hat is compulsory for all students in Years 7 to 12 during Physical Education classes.

The formal College Hat or peaked cap cannot be worn inside, College Captains at school assemblies are the exception.

Beanies are not permitted at school and must be removed on arrival at the College.

The Physical Education Uniform

Students may wear the full Physical Education uniform:

  • on days for which they are timetabled to participate in Physical Education, Sport and Recreation or Drama classes
  • when representing MacKillop College at Inter-School sports events.


If a student presents at the College with the wrong uniform without a valid reason, they will be required to change into the correct uniform. In such cases parents/carers may be contacted and asked to bring the correct uniform to the College.

Personal Presentation

Students are expected to be neat and tidy, and wear their uniform with pride:

  • White shirts are to be tucked in and worn with a tie
  • Ties should always be worn neatly and appropriately with the top shirt button fastened and the tie tightened to fit over the button and under the collar
  • Green shirts are worn untucked and without a tie
  • Blazers, school jumpers, sports jackets and rugby tops are not to be worn around the waist/shoulders and/or head
  • All undergarments including skivvies, thermals and windcheaters etc. must not be visible

Students are required to wear the correct uniform as determined by their timetable.


Hair is to be neat and tidy all times. For safety reasons, during practical classes (for example Physical Education Woodwork, Food Technology and Science) hair is to be fully tied back and off the face. When the hair is tied back, the accessory used must be burgundy in colour.

Hair needs to be styled appropriate to the wearing of a uniform with no extremes of colour, length and/or style. Examples of this include but are not limited to:

  • Tails, mohawks and dreadlocks
  • No patterns or lines are to be cut or shaved into the hair
  • Highlights or tints should be natural in colour
  • Large obvious patches of different colour will not be permitted


The College reserves the right to ask students to adjust hair styles deemed unsuitable, regardless of current trends.

Facial hair, Make-up and Nail Polish

  • Facial hair, if any, should be neat and trimmed
  • Students are permitted to wear minimal, natural toned makeup and clear nail polish
  • For safety reasons, fingernails must be kept short. In practical classes (for example Physical Education, Woodwork, Food Technology and Science) if the teacher deems them to be unsafe, the student may be required to tape them so that they are able to participate.


  • Students will be directed to excessive make-up or coloured nail polish, using College supplies, upon their arrival at school.



Students are only permitted to wear badges on their blazers that have been issued by the school.

Any badges worn must only be worn by the student to whom the badge was issued.

Event badges (ANZAC Day/ Remembrance Day Poppies) must be removed after one week from the date of the event.


Students are permitted:

  • A watch
  • A thin necklace, which holds an acceptable small religious symbol (for example, cross) may be worn underneath the dress or shirt providing the chain is long enough so that it is not visible.
  • For safety reasons, necklaces are not permitted to be worn when wearing the Physical Education uniform. During other practical classes, necklaces must be removed if the teacher deems it to be unsafe
  • One earring per ear in each lobe – plain silver or gold studs or sleepers, no larger than 3mm in diameter only. All other ear and facial piercings must be clear. No glass or stones in studs or sleepers.

Facial piercings and other jewellery that is not clear, including decorative sleepers and plugs, are not permitted. All other jewellery, including charity or religious wristbands, are not to be worn. Students will be directed to remove any inappropriate jewellery upon their arrival at school.

Rain jacket

The College rain jacket may only be worn over the sport jacket (sports uniform) or blazer to and from school and only when appropriate. It cannot be worn inside.

When wearing the uniform outside College hours

If students choose to wear their school uniform in public on other occasions, for example, after school, it is still to be worn as the complete uniform and students will adhere to the College expectations.


Whilst tattoos are not endorsed by the College, students who do have a tattoo, must ensure that the tattoo/s is/ are not visible at any time whilst at school or travelling to or from school.

Temporary tattoos (including henna and other temporary tattoos) are not permitted.

Items Not Permitted

  • Coloured t-shirts or singlets which are visible through shirts cannot be worn
  • Skivvies, hoodies and other unapproved jumpers and windcheaters are not permitted
  • Beanies are not permitted at school

When out of Uniform

The College understands that, on occasion, students may have difficulty wearing all, or part of, the required uniform for the day ahead.

Where valid reasons for this situation arise, students are expected to:

  • Supply a signed note by a parent/carer to the Homeroom Teacher in the student’s diary, explaining the difficulty and a timeframe within which it will be addressed
  • The Homeroom Teacher will monitor the number of occasions on which such a note has been received and will follow up with the student and/or parent/carer as required to ensure the concern does not become habitual
  • Where students are out of uniform without a valid reason or without a signed note, the Homeroom teacher will engage the student in restorative processes to ensure the issue is resolved

If there is an ongoing health or financial reason contributing to a student’s inability to wear the correct uniform, parents/carers need to contact the College so that appropriate support may be provided.


Student Achievement and Promotion

The College accepts that students will not always achieve their best for a variety of reasons and acknowledges that intervention, in order to raise the academic standards of a student and meet the needs of individual students, is essential and should involve a process that is equitable and fair to the individual’s needs.

Student achievement and promotion procedures at MacKillop aim to provide a guide to the requirements of student’s progression from one year level to the next. It is the basis for the subject selection processes for Years 8-12 and for students wishing to participate in accelerated studies.

Student promotion from one year level to the next

In order for a Year 7-10 student (excluding VCE units) to be promoted to the next year level:

  • Demonstrate through their behaviour and attendance a commitment to the values of the College. This includes attendance and participation at official College functions.
  • Attend the College on a regular basis, which should not be less than 90% unapproved absences of scheduled classes and 70% approved and unapproved absences of scheduled classes. This includes Pastoral and Assembly periods.
  • Complete all standards and tasks in Religious Education satisfactorily.
  • Year 7 students would be expected to satisfactorily meet the required standard in at least 7 subjects per semester.
  • Year 8 students would be expected to satisfactorily meet the required standard in at least 8 subjects per semester.
  • Year 9 Main Campus students would be expected to satisfactorily meet the required standard in at least 6 subjects.
  • Year 9 St Mary’s Campus students would be expected to satisfactorily meet the required standard in at least 3 subjects (including integrated).
  • Year 10 students would be expected to satisfactorily meet the required standard in at least 5 subjects per semester.

In order for a VCE or VCAL student to be promoted to the next Semester, it would be expected that the student:

  • Demonstrate through their behaviour and attendance. a commitment to the values of the College. This includes attendance and participation at official College functions.
  • Complete all work in Religious Education to a satisfactory standard.
  • Receive a Satisfactory (5) overall result in at least 5 VCE or all VCAL units.
  • Attend the College on a regular basis. Students are allowed a maximum of 200 unapproved minutes per unit. Greater than 200 unapproved minutes will result in an attendance less than 95% which will therefore result in a Non-Satisfactory (N) overall result for that unit. Students are required to attend 80% of scheduled classes. Students are allowed a maximum of 600 minutes of approved AND unapproved absences per unit. Greater than 600 minutes will result in an attendance less than 80% which will therefore result
    in a Non-Satisfactory (N) overall result for that unit.

In order for a VCE or VCAL student to be promoted to the next unit, it would be expected that the student receive a Satisfactory (S) overall result in the preceding unit.

At all times, the process of promotion from one year level to the next would be based upon the individual needs of each student and any particular circumstances that may have affected, or may be affecting the student. The final decision would be at the discretion of the Principal.


Students should attend all classes. An absence from any class is considered to be an ‘unapproved absence’ except for the following circumstances:

  • A note from a parent/ guardian and a medical certificate (or a statutory declaration) regarding the illness is provided regarding the absence.
  • The student is required to attend a school organised activity or excursion.
  • The parent/guardian has discussed with the VCE. VCAL or Year Level Coordinator(s) or Team Leader(s) the special circumstances that prevent attendance (e.g. representation at state level sport).
  • A note from School Counsellor or School Psychologist, stating the date and time of absence.

If a student is absent on the day on which an assessment task is scheduled, and the absence has been deemed ‘approved’, the student will be entitled to sit the assessment task or equivalent difficulty, challenge or scale and the student will receive their grade for that task. If the absence has been deemed an ·unapproved absence· the student will not be permitted to attempt the assessment task that was scheduled and will receive zero and an ‘N’ for that assessment task. However if a student wishes to complete the task in their own time, the teacher will provide feedback on the task completed by the student.

Attendance Requirements

Attendance at each subject must not be less than the specified amount for each year level. This does not include approved absences. Student attendance will be marked every lesson. Students who fail to meet the attendance requirements will receive an ‘N’ for that unit or subject.

If a student misses a large amount of classes due to absences, the student may be recommended to repeat the subject(s) in order to consolidate their work.

Students who intend to be absent for extended periods of time (5 days or longer) due to family holiday, will be required to attend an interview at the College prior to this Holiday. The interview may consist of the student, parent/carer, Deputy Principal (Student Wellbeing), Homeroom Teacher and Level Coordinator. Students must ensure that they meet all the required standards by the end of the school year.

VCE Requirements

Units 1-4 in all VCE studies are conducted under the auspice of the Victorian Curriculum Assessment Authority (VCAA). Successful completion of the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) is dependent on a student’s two or three year program and must include a satisfactory completion of 16 units which include:

  • 3 units from the English group
  • 3 sequences of Units 3 and 4 studies other than English, of which 2 can be Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) or Vocational Education and Training (VET) sequences (xii) MacKillop College (Please refer to the ‘MacKillop College Senior Pathways/Administration Handbook’ for further details). Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC) also advises that for the calculation of a student’s ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank); satisfactory completion of both Units 3 and 4 of an English study is required.

VCAL Requirements

All VCAL studies are conducted under the auspice of the Victorian Curriculum Assessment Authority (VCAA). To be awarded the VCAL, students must successfully complete a learning program, which is designed to comply with the following credit requirements. It must:

  • Be made up of 10 credits
  • Include curriculum components from each of the following four VCAL curriculum strands:
    (a) Literacy and Numeracy Skills
    (b) Industry Specific Skills
    (c) Work Related Skills
    (d) Personal Development Skills.
  • Include:
    (a) a minimum of two VCAL units
    (b) in the Literacy and Numeracy Skills strand, curriculum components to the value of one credit for literacy and one credit for numeracy
    (c) in each of the remaining three strands, curriculum components to the value of at least one credit in each
  • Include curriculum components to the value of six credits at the level of the VCAL award, of which one must be for literacy and one credit must be for a VCAL Personal Development Skills unit
  • At the VCAL Intermediate and Senior levels, the learning program must include accredited Vocational Education and Training curriculum components to the value of a minimum of one credit in the Industry Specific Skills Strand.


Pastoral Intervention for ‘At Risk’ Students

  • Unsatisfactory Notification’ forms or ‘N’ results for individual Learning Tasks: When a student has received a third ‘Unsatisfactory Notification’ form or three or more ‘N’ results for Learning Tasks, in one subject or across subjects, the Homeroom Teacher will instigate an interview with parents/carers, the student and the Level Coordinator/ Team Leader.
  • Overall ‘N’ results for Semester Subjects: If a student receives two or more overall ‘N’ results in a semester, or two overall ‘N’s in the same subject over the year, the following process will occur:
    • The Level Coordinator/Team Leader will call a panel interview.
    • The panel may include the Homeroom Teacher, Year Level Coordinator, Deputy Principal (Learning and Teaching), Deputy Principal (Student Wellbeing), School Counsellor, relevant teachers, parents/guardians and the student.
    • The interview will focus on the discussion of the procedures needed to be put into place in order for that student to either:
    • Obtain a level of achievement to progress to the next year level, or
    • Strategies needed to assist the student to continue and consolidate their learning and studies at the current year level.

Advancement to Telescope Class

A student will be considered for participation in the Telescope Class if this student has:

  • Rated Above/Well Above the standard expected in the majority of learning areas.
  • Given a Stanine of 7, 8 or 9 on the Performance Achievement Tests.
  • Rated above standard on the relevant NAPLAN tests.
  • Demonstrated high ‘work ethic’ in all study areas and commitment to all learning areas.
  • Recommendation from student’s subject teachers and homeroom teacher.

These standards will need to be established in Semester l and maintained in Semester 2 of the year prior to beginning the Telescope class.

Promotion to Advance a Year Level

A student will be considered for advancing a year level if this student has

  • Rated Well Above the standard expected in all learning areas.
  • Given a Stanine of 8 or 9 on the Performance Achievement Tests.
  • Rated well above standard on the relevant NAPLAN tests.
  • Rated well on the IOWA Acceleration Scale.
  • IQ test result greater than 130.
  • Received 80% or above in an independent normed test at the level the student wishes to enter into.
  • Demonstrated high ‘work ethic’ in all study areas and commitment to all learning areas
  • Undergone independent behavioural testing to determine they are capable of dealing with the promotion emotionally and socially
  • Recommendation from student’s subject teachers and homeroom teacher.

These standards will need to be established in Semester land maintained in Semester 2 of the year prior to advancing the following year level.

Engagement and Inclusion: A relationship based approach to Student Behaviour Management

Foundational to our work with students is the building of genuine, authentic relationships; relationships that recognise and support the inherent dignity of each person.

Student behaviour is linked to the quality of the learning experience. Purposeful, authentic and relevant learning experiences that are of a sufficiently challenging yet achievable standard maximise positive behaviour.

At MacKillop College we recognise the importance of providing clear guidance and expectations that are applicable to all members of the school community. Establishing respectful relationships in relation to self, others and school are fundamental to positive behaviour development and student management.

All teachers in the school will adopt a variety of classroom strategies to build relationships, support student engagement and encourage appropriate behaviour. These strategies include but are not limited to:

  • Affirming and supporting whole school practices for respectful behaviour
  • Collaborating with students to establish expectations that are directly relevant to their learning environment
  • Recognising and commending positive behaviours

We also recognise that when challenging behaviour presents itself, a student may need further support. In such instances, following a variety of strategies being implemented by the teacher, a student may be required to attend a session in Reconnect. When the behaviour is excessively disrespectful, for example aggressive or abusive behaviour that endangers the safety of others and/or significantly interferes with the rights of others to learn, a student will need to attend Reconnect as a matter of priority.

Reconnect is a supervised safe place that allows the student, firstly, to return to a state of calm and, secondly, to participate in a range of activities intended to help the student reconnect with their personal learning, peers, teacher and/or learning community.

Following a session in Reconnect, a restorative conversation will be prioritised by the teacher to restore any disconnected relationships, and to establish agreed actions for moving forward. Parents/Carers should expect to be notified of their child’s attendance in Reconnect and the outcome of the restorative conversation.