Bus Routes
MacKillop College is aware of concerns regarding overcrowding on public transport buses to and from the school. We have communicated these issues to the Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) and advocated for our school community.
We understand that some families have had to make alternate arrangements, resulting in students arriving late to school or home.
The Department of Transport and Planning and local bus operators have subsequently conducted headcounts and observations at local sites.
Observations and data from the bus headcounts have revealed that many students are not tapping on or off the buses. This lack of accurate data collection not only skews the true passenger numbers but also weakens the case for increasing the number of buses
We therefore respectfully request that you remind your children to tap on and off the bus every time to ensure accurate data collection.
The Department of Transport and Planning has provided alternative transportation suggestions for students travelling to and from Wyndham Vale Station and for students using the Hoppers Crossing bus.
For students travelling from Wyndham Vale Station in the morning there are several alternatives which depart AFTER the Manor Lakes service, including:
- The Route 190 Double Decker, timetabled to depart at 7:52 travels to MacKillop College after leaving Werribee Station
- The following 190 service at 8:02 (requires walking from Werribee Station – may be late if this service is delayed).
- Routes 192 and 191 also depart from Wyndham Vale Station after the Manor Lakes service – these routes may also be closer for some students.
In the afternoon, it is our understanding that the Manor Lakes service often departs late. This is partly because it performs a Werribee Secondary School trip beforehand, which now departs later than it previously did due to the school’s changed bell-time. Additionally, traffic is also contributing to delays when traveling back to MacKillop College.
Should students not wish to wait, services depart from Werribee Station that arrive at Wyndham Vale Station earlier than the Manor Lakes service, including:
- The route 192 departing at 3:51 and arriving at Wyndham Vale Station at 4:16 (a large number of your students already catch this service)
- Route 181 departing at 3:50 à transfer to route 166 and arrive at Wyndham Vale Station at 4:24
These suggestions are outlined with other alternatives in the table below.