Wyndham Vale Campus

Some background information

Melbourne Archdiocese of Catholic Schools (MACS), our governing authority, wrote to us at the beginning of 2024 asking for us to consider the development of a new Kinder to Year 12 (K-12) campus of MacKillop College at Ballan Road, Wyndham Vale – as part of the Jubilee Estate – to meet the growing need for Catholic Education in a growing area.




Family Forum – Wyndham Vale Campus

Led by our Principal, Chris Caldow, here’s a video of what we know so far. Should you have any queries or concerns, please contact the College via wvcampus@mackillop.vic.edu.au.


Will there be access for students with disabilities at the new campus?

There will be access for students with disabilities at all campuses.


How will enrolment zones be determined?

We’re currently in conversation with Our Lady of the Southern Cross and MACS to ensure the best zoning arrangements can be established.

While zoning will be a factor for the new campus, there will be some flexibility for our existing families to ensure this doesn’t create unnecessary complications around drop-off and pick-up times.


What role will Religious Education play when the College expands?

All students of MacKillop College will study Religious Education.


How will student learning differ across campuses?

The same curriculum, assessments, Learning Diversity Program, camps and retreats, and timetables will be run across Werribee and Wyndham Vale campuses.

We will also be running the same VCE Pathways and VET subjects at both campuses, though the classes will be based around student interest and the campus their based at might change depending on facilities and specialisation. In an instance where a student is based at an alternate campus to the subject they need to attend, the College would facilitate the required cross-campus transportation.

Year 12 VCE Exams will be conducted at both campuses.


How will the College calendar differ across campuses?

The same term dates, student free days, and there will be events that include the whole school – meaning all three campuses.

Campuses will also have some events that run independently of one another, such as eucharists and assemblies, and these will be noted in the calendar.


Will you be accepting ‘expressions of interest’ for the new primary campus?

Our primary component of the Wyndham Vale Campus will not open until 2028, with enrolments earmarked for 2027. If you would like to send through an expression of interest, please do so, however keeping an eye on enrolments would be best.


Will the student numbers on the Werribee campus decrease?

Yes. Currently, roughly 130 of the 330 students in Years 7-9 reside in Manor Lakes/Wyndham Vale and so we anticipate an initial decrease in numbers per year level, to roughly 220-250.


Who will fund the new campus?

The majority of funding will come from the local community with some Federal/State government grants. Most capital expenditure will be on the Wyndham Vale Campus from 2026-2035, and maintaining facilities on Werribee and Werribee South Campuses, so how we distribute funds will be carefully considered.


Will school fees increase?

No more than what would be expected to accommodate inflation increases.


Will Year 9 students on both the Werribee Main Campus and the Wyndham Vale Campus benefit from the St Mary’s experience?

Every Year 9 student will be involved in St Mary’s program. Long-term, there may be up to 550-600 students in Year 9, which means we may need to rethink St Mary’s program, however this is unlikely to become an issue for at least five years or more.


With the expansion of the school planned, are plans to upgrade Ballan Rd for better access and traffic flow for residents in Jubilee estate?

We are currently in discussions with local and federal governments regarding this issue. It is our hope that Ballan Rd receive the necessary upgrades to accommodate the increase in traffic.


Should you have any further queries not answered here, please contact the College, via wvcampus@mackillop.vic.edu.au.