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2022 Bus Review

Over Term 2 and Term 3 of 2022, a review was conducted with respect to bus transportation to and from the College each day.

This review occurred in conjunction with the College Risk and Compliance Manager, and included consultation with staff who completed bus duty and students who catch the bus each day.

As part of the review, the following issues were considered:

  • The location of bus stops and whether these support effective movement of students on and off buses.
  • Measures that could support more effective and safer movement of students on and off buses. This included trialling a variety of access routes with temporary fencing directing student movement.
  • Bus duty supervision, including the location and number of staff supervising bus duty each day.
  • Supporting and enforcing fare compliance of students who catch the bus.

Change current departure locations, moving MacKillop Private buses from Gate 1 (closest to the Sr Giovanni Farquer Administration Building) to Gate 3 closest to the College front gate. This will allow easy access of these students to their buses, which leave first after the bell, without having to move through larger groups of students waiting for CDC buses.

Gate 3 now
Westleigh Gardens
Manor Lakes
Sayers Rd
Leakes Rd

Moving bus route 190 to Gate 2 will support better movement of students on this bus, as it is one of the largest buses at the College. Gate 2 allows for better access to the bus and supports staff supervision of students catching the bus

Gate 2 now
Wyndhamvale 1 and 2
Manor Lakes
Werribee south 1 and 2

Gate 1 now
Hoppers Crossing 1 & 6
Riverdene 1
Tarneit 2


  • Larger signage around the entrances to bus gates.
  • Some direction indicators on the concrete around the gate entrances that clearly mark the direction for students to exit and enter buses.
  • Consideration as to how to deploy staff on morning and afternoon duty with an additional staff member on during afternoon bus duty to factor in the increased number of students who travel by bus after school.
  • Consolidate and implement a process for supporting students who do not have MYKI cards through a borrowing them via the library and returning them. We hope that this will increase fare compliance.