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2023 End of Term 4 Message from the Principal

I would like to take this opportunity to wish all members of the MacKillop College community a very safe summer holiday, and a happy, holy Christmas. On behalf of the wider school community, I would like to thank all staff (teaching and support) for their commitment, dedication and enthusiasm, for providing the best for all our students.

While our senior students might be planning university, another tertiary setting, commencing an apprenticeship or other employment, some of them will be nervously anticipating their VCE results – not unlike their respective teachers. For students undertaking Units 3 & 4 VCE subjects, this time should include some form of preparation for the year of work ahead. It is important, however, that we enjoy the time shared with family and friends and that we express gratitude to our Lord for these gifts and blessings.

This year has been marked with great energy and success in many areas at the College. Congratulations to all students who committed themselves to their studies, to the co-curricular sporting and cultural activities available at the College, and those involved in community service activities throughout the year.

This Advent, as we prepare for the Blessings of this Christmas Season, may I thank all MacKillop College families for your support of the College throughout the year and for your partnership with us in the education of your children. May Christ’s Peace and Joy be with each of you and with your loved ones, and as Mary has said, ‘Do what you can with the means at your disposal, and leave all the rest calmly to God’ (Mary MacKillop, 1888).

I look forward to this restful period and seeing you all again in the new year.

Kind regards,
Chris Caldow